dilluns, 15 de novembre del 2021

1914-1980 Victor Sen Yung Hop-Sing

Victor Sen Yung 
Sen Yung, later known professionally as Victor Sen Young (born Sen Yew Cheung; October 18, 1914 – . November 9, 1980); one source lists his given name as Victor Cheung Young with the birth year 1915)) was an American character actor, best known for playing Jimmy Chan in the Charlie Chan films and Hop Sing in the western series Bonanza. He was born in San Francisco, California to Gum Yung Sen and his first wife, both immigrants from China

When his mother died during the flu epidemic of 1919, his father placed Victor and his younger sister, Rosemary, in a children's shelter, and returned to his homeland to seek another wife. He returned in 1922 with his new wife, Lovi Shee, once again forming a household with his two children. 

Arguably even more than for his work in the Charlie Chan films, Victor Sen Yung is well remembered as "Hop Sing," the irascible cook and general factotum on the iconic television series Bonanza, appearing in 109 episodes between 1959 and 1973. Bonanza series creator David Dortort told the Archive of American Television that the "Hop Sing" character generated massive fandom - "Victor was just absolutely delightful. He loved the part; he loved doing it. In fact, he began to develop fans, to the extent that I wrote him in as the featured part in a number of shows. 

Link Wikipedia Victor Sen Yung

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